+260 97 5594533 zambiamfh@gmail.com

Divine Connection

16 Feb 2018

We need your help!

This is Amos and he is 11 years old. Emmanuel met him today. He was crying because some older boys beat him. His mother died while giving birth to him, and his father is in prison. Amos lives with his grandparents.

He didn’t have any decent clothing on him as well as shoes. Emmanuel brought him home and gave him food because boy looked very hungry. After that we went to a store and bought some clothes and shoes. You can see it on the photos. He will go to school for the first time in his life.

He was so happy that he was sharing about that to everyone on his was to home. He was sharing that he ate on this day. He has a thankful heart.

He is from a very poor family. This is probably a reason why other kids beat him and call him all kind of names. We are doing everything we can to help him. Maybe some of you would want to help him and his family by sponsoring him. That will give him resources to study at our school. Please send me a message if you want to do that.

If you would like to give into the work here, you can do that through our non-profit organization. Just add a note with your tax-deductible donation saying it is for Zambia, and 100% of the money will go directly into the work here.

Our donation address is:
Global Harvest International
PO Box 584
Jenks, OK 74037