Training Skills We Teach
My Father's House Skills Training Centre
The Bible states, “Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread…” Prov 28:19. God, as our Creator, made us in His image to be creative as well. We are to use our hands to His glory, finding joy in the work that we do. At Our Father’s House, we love equipping young men and women with the skills needed to become financially self-sustaining. We are acutely aware of the unemployment problem in our communities, and we hope to share Christ’s love by giving people the tools to become self-employed.
We have been blessed with land on which to build our own vocational training centre, but we need the funds to be able to construct the required facilities. It is our hope that you will consider contributing towards our goal of building a place where God’s name is magnified, and where lives are impacted for His kingdom!
At My Father’s House, we provide a home where children and adults find love, compassion, acceptance, and safety. Through our ministries we strive to build community and inclusion, sharing the love of Christ with those most in need, and equipping a generation willing to serve and discover their identities in our Heavenly Father. Our network of sponsors is why we are able to share God’s love, and we are thankful of the continued support they provide.